Year 9 Pathways
Students in years 10 and 11 study a number of subjects which are expected as part of the key stage 4 curriculum at The King John School. There is an element of choice in terms of which EBACC subjects to select and also an opportunity for free choice. Your son or daughter is currently preparing to make the decision about the continuation of subjects which he or she will take in year 10. The key stage 4 curriculum allows for the study of subjects in greater depth in preparation for public examinations.
This webpage is designed to help both students and parents / carers to make those important decisions which will lay the foundations for study programmes over the next few years. We hope that you will have a chance to read through the booklet, that is available and watch the videos below with your son or daughter and discuss the subjects available.
Your child should also seek help from his or her tutor and subject teachers, who will be closely involved in guiding students and will be able to answer any questions that may arise.
We are very conscious of making sure we offer progression opportunities from year 10 through to year 13. We seek to provide a range of subjects and qualifications designed to meet the needs and aspirations of all our students. We believe that students should carefully select their subjects to ensure that their choices are those in which they will achieve maximum success and provide opportunity for their future. It is important to talk about the pathways now and consider the future both post 16 and post 18.
Students are expected to study the core curriculum subjects and then select from the subjects that are indicated on their pathways form. We always aim, as much as possible, to offer students their preferences, however, as this is not always possible we do request that you give three choices for each open choice block as indicated on your pathways form. Should any difficulties in allocating subjects arise, the school reserves the right to make the final allocations. We will endeavour to meet your chosen subjects, however, in the event where this is not possible, you will be contacted to look for an alternative solution.
Year 9 Pathways Evening - Tuesday 26 March 2024
Pathways invitation letter 2024