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The King John School

Parents' Evening System

Parents' Evening System

An online parents’ evening system is used by the school to book appointments for parents evening.

The link below will direct you to the website. You will be able to book a meeting with your child’s teacher until midday on the day of the parents evening. At this time, the booking system will close.

Please see the School Calendar for the date of the next parents' evening.

Click here for the Parents' Evening System

Please Note: The window to book appointments for your son/daughter will usually open two weeks before the date of the parents evening. The booking system will close at midday, before before the evening starts.

Logging in to the Parents’ Evening System

The Parents’ Evening System does not require additional login’s to access the booking system. Once on the website you will need to enter the following information to authenticate and allow you access to book appointments:

  • Parent/Carer’s title, first name and surname
  • Your child’s legal first name and legal surname
  • Your child’s date of birth

Parents’ Evening Advice

Please try to limit the number of your own requests for interviews with subject teachers and book appointments for subjects which you have specific concerns about. To make a success of the procedure please follow the below suggestions:

  1. Try to spread the interviews out as much as possible and give yourself time to move from one interview to the next. We suggest at least a five and preferably a ten minute break between interviews if this can be arranged.
  2. It is absolutely essential that you arrive for each interview on time. Staff will not be able to exceed the allocated time for the interview with you unless there are exceptional circumstances and you both have blank sessions next on your sheet.
  3. Please make sure you print your sheet and bring it to the appointment.

Your son or daughter’s progress report will be available to view and download from EduLink One prior to the evening. Reports are no longer printed.

Troubleshooting Tips –  Read before Booking!

  • To login you need to enter the details we have on record for you and your child. If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to login with the details we have on record.
  • The email address you enter will be used to receive confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error message when you login, it will not be the email address that is the problem.

What to do if you cannot access the Parents’ Evening System

Data for Parents’ Evening will not be uploaded until the day before the system goes live to ensure the information is as up-to date as possible. Parents/Carers will receive a letter once the system is live, please do not attempt to login before you have received this notification.

If you have any issues logging in to the the system please contact support@thekjs.com


Parents Evening System - Parents Guide

Parents Evening System - How to attend appointments over video call

Parents Evening System - Inviting additional parents or guardians 

Related Links

Parents Evening booking website