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The King John School

Why King John Sixth Form?

Why King John Sixth Form?




Student quotes:


“The new facilities are great, including the Common Room and the LRC.”


“I like that everybody wants to work hard and achieve high grades.”


“The Sixth Form has a motivating and inspiring atmosphere.”


“The teachers are effective and good at their job.”

The King John sixth form is well established, with a track record of success. We offer a high quality post-16 educational experience through a broad curriculum and a caring, friendly environment.


We provide a wide range of advanced academic and vocational courses, alongside a host of additional experiences – both inside and outside the classroom. With a winning blend of exceptional study facilities and unique extracurricular opportunities, the sixth form is a modern purpose-built centre with a well-equipped common room and an extensive private study area.


Our active student committee plays an important part in the organisation of sixth form life with regular social events and charity fundraising activities. We pride ourselves on encouraging every student to maximise their full potential. This helps to make the experience of studying at King John sixth form a very positive and fulfilling one.


Our students have high expectations of themselves because the teaching staff high expectations of them –expectations which lead to success.


A Level Quality Indicator

The sixth form is a strength of the school. Students achieve well and go on to appropriate next-step destinations. 

…articulate, confident and caring young people are very well prepared to make positive contributions to life in Britain.

Pathways from Year 11 into post-16 education and training are well developed 


Sixth Form Prospectus

Take a look at our Sixth Form and view the prospectus

Click here to view the school prospectus.

Exam Results