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The King John School

Beyond the classroom

Beyond the classroom







Enrichment activities are added to the timetable every year, as well as a range of sports, outside speakers, careers opportunities and visits to interesting destinations around the world.

Activities include:

Every Wednesday afternoon enrichment time is open to all pupils. Activities include;

Book Club, Academic Mentoring, Subject and SEN support, Driving Theory advice, Learning Chinese, Fitness Suite, Badminton, Cooking Club, 5 a-side Football, inter-school Football, Rugby, Basketball, Hockey and Netball fixtures.


Boys Football
The boys compete in Essex Colleges Football League every Wednesday as well as Essex Colleges Cup, League Cup and English Schools National Cup. The boys train every Monday lunch time on the astro-turf with Mr. Selby-Knight.


Girls Football
The girls have also entered the Essex League.  At present, they are in the ESFA National Cup semi- final! Led by Miss Hunt, their games are usually Wednesday afternoon in their enrichment time.


The girls Netball team have fixtures most Wednesday afternoons.  They play regular friendly fixtures against other local colleges as well as entering the Netball Essex Cup. Please see Miss Hunt for details and if you wish to play in games.


The boys Rugby team train on a Monday lunch time and have games consistently on a Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Sexton’s team this year have entered the RFU Daily Mail National Cup competition as well as the Essex Cup, plus friendlies against local sixth form and colleges.


We also try and offer the following sports at a recreational level against local colleges.  In the past year we have played friendly games in Boys and Girls Basketball, as well as Mixed Hockey fixtures. Friday after school there is also 5 a-side for all pupils and staff!


Speaker programme

The sixth form maintains good contacts with  employers and the wider community. Each year a range of speakers come into the school to give information on a range of subjects including:

Why go to university?

What apprenticeships offer?

Careers in the Army

Financial Capability

Driver Awareness

Student finance


Work experience

Every student in year 12 has the opportunity to undertake a self-placed week of work experience in the summer term of year 12. This is a chance to bolster their CV, build soft skills and explore career pathways.  Our provision is managed through the unifrog platform and the relevant forms can be found [insert link to CAIG page]. Students also have ongoing access to Pathways CTM to support their career aspirations as well as personalised interview support, assessment centre workshops and access to an independent careers advisor.



Opportunities outside of classroom for dance can be listed as:

  • School production
  • Dance show
  • Trips and performance opportunities
  • Dane leader/mentor
  • Enrichment/primary outreach


Wider Curriculum Booklet

Please click here for the Wider Curriculum Booklet

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