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The King John School

Celebrating Success

Celebrating Success

At King John we pin our rewards system on achievement points and behaviour points creating a net plus or minus score.

Along with praising attendance, having a good work ethic and wider participation in school life; students work towards the Lion badges.

Each year, if students achieve in all of the following areas they receive a red lion badge.

  • Embracing our core values around the school
  • Striving for an excellent attitude to learning
  • Excellent attendance
  • Promoting the culture, ethics and values of the King John School in the community

Students can also work towards achieving a silver or gold lion badge. They need to build a portfolio to demonstrate their excellence in a variety of domains such as being a peer listener; becoming a student leader; learning a new skill and helping at open days. Each student has a record of achievement to evidence their successes.

On a daily basis, teachers award achievement points in recognition of a student showing commitment to learning, as part of independent study or by displaying kindness or excellent manners in and around school and taking part in whole school and wider community activities. 

We also have gold core values cards which are sent home to students who demonstrate all our core values. The students’ tutors will select students to receive these cards on a half termly basis.

In addition, students themselves created a PRIDE certificate. The student leaders for each year group select fellow students who are deserving of the certificate for their dedication to the school’s core values.

Additional rewards include:

  • Subject Badges
  • Awards Evening Badges
  • Sport Colours
  • Student Voice
  • Jack Petchey
  • Literacy Leader
  • Prefect
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Leadership Awards
  • Academic Awards

At the end of the year, students that have a positive achievement point’s total (in the green) are invited to the end of year trip with the rest of their year group. This is a celebration of their efforts over the past academic year.

Prize giving evenings

Prize Giving is an annual event for years 7 to 10. In most cases awards are sponsored with a cup for academic achievement and a shield for endeavour. In Years 7 and 8 prizes are awarded to a boy and a girl in each subject and category. In Years 9 and 10 the award is either for a boy or a girl in each subject and category. Each subject area nominates students for the awards.

There are additional awards for Outstanding Achievement, Community Service, Role models and Services to the School. We are always looking for sponsors for our awards – please contact the School if you are able to help with this.

Year 11 prom

Year 11 students celebrate the end of their exams and school days with a prom. It is a chance for students to say their goodbyes and celebrate the end of the exams in style. Staff also attend the prom to celebrate with the students and to wish them all the best for the future.

Jack Petchey Foundation

At the King John School we are lucky enough to be on the ‘Achievement Award Gold Scheme’ which means that we are able to recognise 9 ‘Outstanding Achiever Award’ winners per calendar year.  Each winner receives £250 to be spent within the JPF guidelines.

Winners are regularly shared in the end of term newsletters, these are available on the school website. We are also part of the Jack Petchey Sixth Form Award and hold bronze status.

We are also lucky enough to be able to nominate 2 Outstanding Leader Awards per calendar year.

To find out more about he Jack Petchey Foundation please click on the link below.


Sporting Successes

The school has had fantastic sporting successes around the district and Essex in all year groups in rugby, football, basketball, cross country, cricket, athletics, tennis, swimming, hockey, netball, gymnastics, rounders and badminton. 

Duke of Edinburgh

We have had a high success rate with our Duke of Edinburgh scheme in the school.  As a centre we hold a 100% pass rate at bronze level and have been recognised by the County for this.  This year in year 9 we have been able to offer 25 students a chance to enrol on the scheme after receiving 75 applications.  At silver level we have a group of 21 students enrolled for this year’s scheme.  Last year, 9 students at gold level completed their award, the highest number in the County.

Creative and Performing Arts

Students have been making the most of opportunities to develop their creativity and entertain us.  A large number of students across all year groups are involved with both the dance show  and the school production.

The school runs a successful KJ Art Academy.  Students benefit from a ‘rich’ offer including the LAMDA qualifications and the expertise of professional instructors in the creative and performing arts faculty.

Trips and Visits

Students have been making the most of opportunities for trips and visits.