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The King John School

Sixth Form Lessons for Year 11 Leavers

Sixth Form Lessons for Year 11 Leavers

“We were super proud of how we met the needs of our students during the Covid 19 lockdowns, but there's little denying that students everywhere missed out on a lot of face-to-face, in class teaching. So, over the next few weeks we have invited Year 11 students across the area who are joining the King John Sixth Form in September to attend KS5 lessons to continue their learning in preparation for joining us in the next phase of their education.” – Dr Margaret Wilson, CBE. Zenith CEO.

We have been relentless in encouraging children to continue their education with us to prepare them for the start of Sixth Form in September. What has been impressive is the students’ commitment and dedication to this initiative as they are passionate to be here.  This is not compulsory; these brilliant youngsters want to get a head start on their next stage in education and are eager to get back into classrooms rather than be at home. It says a lot about the maturity and mentality of the young adults in the local area and I am seriously impressed." – Mr Dan Steel, Headteacher of King John School and Sixth Form.

This opportunity is really preparing us for September’ - Sam

‘We’ve been at King John for the last five years and the last two days have really prepared us for the Sixth From experience.’ - Emily

One young lady had not studies Psychology has started to study it over the three days. ‘I’ve just started Psychology, I’m really enjoying it and I can’t wait to study it in September’ - Katie

Due to the past year many of us have had a huge gap in our learning, which means we missed out on a lot. I’m here at the Sixth Form to gain an insight as to what life will be like as a student. I’m seeing all the facilities available and meeting all the members of staff while gaining an opportunity to see what my subjects will be like.- Hussain, a student from The James Hornsby School.

‘This is definitely worthwhile as the teachers have told me what to expect so it won’t be a shock when I join in Year 12. I’m definitely getting a lot out of this!’ – Nicole.