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The King John School

First Bus Student Travel Club

First Bus Student Travel Club

 The King John School is a member of the First Bus ‘Student Travel Club’. This scheme enables students to take advantage of discounted travel, and tickets are available to purchase via the First Bus Student Travel Club (STC) page on their website: www.firstgroup.com/STC. Payment for tickets will go directly to First Bus Ltd, and not via the school.

The First Bus website provides details of how a parent/carer can register to The King John School STC, and how to download the First Bus App and create an MTicket account.

You will need to complete the form below to request your unique passcode, which you will apply to your account when purchasing your ticket. If you have any specific enquiries regarding the scheme, please e-mail First Essex Buses at stcessex@firstbus.co.uk .

Further guidance on purchasing a ticket is available on the First Bus STC website or by using this link: click here

Please ensure that the MTicket is the most cost effective method of transport at this time before requesting your unique passcode.

 mTicket Form

Please complete all fields marked (*)