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The King John School

Year 7

Year 7

Mr Wagstaff

Year 7 Activities


In Year 7 there are many, varied activities and events for the students to enjoy and to support their transition into secondary school life. As Head of Year I want to see every student taking the opportunities that are on offer. The key events we hold are:

  • A year 7 Winter Disco where the students have dinner together before entering the Disco which includes up to date music, dancing, competitions, confetti and bubbles alongside fantastic lighting and photography. All money raised at the disco goes towards the selected Year 7 charity
  • We invite the parents/carers of our students for a Partnership With Parents (PWP) evening to ensure there is a working relationship between us and parents/carers with the students’ education and well-being at the forefront of our actions.
  • A Film Night/Pyjama Party; the students watch a movie on the big screen in our new theatre with an old style interval break in the middle.
  • The year group vote for charity reps and select a Charity to support for the year. There is a weekly support of our charity with Year 7s Thoughtful Thursday where each tutor group takes it in turns to run a charity fundraiser.
  • We hold a Christmas Bazaar where every tutor group holds a stall to raise money for our Charity with a Christmas theme. The whole school is invited to support this event.
  • An evening bowling at Hollywood Bowl for a fun evening out as friends once we are half way into the year.
  • There is a summer residential trip to Stubbers Outdoor Adventure for a fun packed activities weekend furthering the team building. All these events help the students develop new and lasting friendships.
  • At the end of the year we have a celebratory trip to Adventure Island to celebrate all of the achievements made throughout the year. Subject to the students meeting the expectations.
  • There are also many extra-curricular activities for students to get involved in, be that creative, academic or sporting.

Our year 7 events promote team work, responsibility and a sense of fun. The whole year group is encouraged to participate in as many activities as possible and enjoy the many extra-curricular activities available.

Pastoral support

Students have a designated student support officer to support them and their tutors when there are issues that need support or areas of achievement that need celebrating in the student bulletin and parent newsletter. Their tutor is their daily pastoral support and they will see their tutor every morning and any issues they are having. We also have a head of year and assistant head of year who co-ordinate the activities and development of our year 7s through progress mentoring, attendance tracking, assemblies and many more.