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The King John School

Year 10

Year 10

Ms Ankin

Year 10 is a very important and significant year. Students continue with their Key Stage 4 courses and are given the opportunity, through a number of exciting schemes and programmes, to further gain skills and qualities that are valued by sixth form, colleges, universities and the work place.

In Year 10 all students have an excellent opportunity to fully establish themselves and progress within their chosen Key Stage 4 courses and career pathways. During Year 10 students can be formally assessed for some of the courses they are studying. Subject descriptions will give you further and up to date information on this.

In Year 10 students also have the opportunity to take part in exciting and excellent initiatives to help to continue to develop key skills including communication, listening and problem solving. They can do this through various new schemes. These include applying to become a Peer Active Listener (PAL). PALs form part of a comprehensive student support scheme aimed at making students feel safe and supported by other students within the school. Peer support is not about counselling or telling people what to do. It’s about listening, and if necessary showing the students where they can get more help. Year 10 students also have the opportunity to become Student Leaders. The Student Leader role has been put in place to help support current Year 11 students in their role as prefects. Student leaders have to set the standard and be a positive role model to other students and take responsibility for the well-being and environment of the school. The skills they gain and demonstrate would be good evidence to use for Prefect applications.


Student Information Booklet for Working at Home Y10

Curriculum Booklet Year 10