We teach Science to
- To allow students to evaluate, critique and respond to data presented as ‘scientific evidence’ in media reports and in advertising in order to make informed personal decisions and make judgements about scientific and pseudo-scientific claims. (we want them to become critical consumers of science).
- Develop a confident recall of scientific knowledge and an ability to apply scientific concepts.
- Allow students to have informed and ethical opinions about the big scientific questions facing society.
- Develop a sense of responsibility for our planet and the knowledge to be able to best care for it.
- To give students an understanding of the key big ideas in science: the links between structure and function in living organisms, the particulate model as the key to understanding the properties and interactions of matter in all its forms, and the resources and means of transfer of energy as key determinants of all of these interactions.
- Teach students about Working Scientifically through a range of practical investigations.
- Take opportunities to incorporate topical issues into our teaching; our teaching of sustainability and the environment.
- To encourage students to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings and a love of science is nurtured through a whole school ethos and a varied science curriculum.
- To explore a detail scientific investigation of STEM based learning each year, looking at a world issue at depth and looking at Science Careers.
- To prepare students for further scientific study at post 16, encouraging students wherever possible to investigate A-level sciences.
- To provide effective scaffolds that enables all students to access the curriculum irrespective of starting point.
- To develop scientifically literate students who can make relevant and informed decisions over the scientific issues that affect their future.
- To develop and nurture our children’s curiosity by following their questions and interests to hopefully develop a love, passion and appreciation for Science.
- To develop their understanding of scientific ideas by using different types of scientific enquiry to answer their own questions.