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The King John School



We teach Modern Foreign Languages to

  • Equip learners to understand and communicate in Spanish.
  • Improve competence in receptive and productive language skills.
  • Provide a platform for learners to express their ideas and personal interests through speech and writing.
  • Develop analytical and interpretive capacities.
  • Broaden each learner’s understanding of how the English language works.
  • Develop memory, self-discipline and resilience.
  • Provide an opening to other cultures and traditions.
  • Enhance each learner’s intellectual curiosity towards local, national and global areas of interest.
  • Expand personal horizons.
  • Provide a foundation for learning other languages.
  • Equip learners to visit, study in or work in another country.

Curriculum Maps

Year 7 Spanish

Year 8 Spanish

Year 9 Spanish

Year 10 Spanish

Year 11 Spanish

Year 12 Spanish

Year 13 Spanish