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The King John School

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Guide

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Guide

The King John School Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is designed with the central aim of providing a quality education for all our students. We aim to create a stimulating educational experience, developing a passion for learning alongside the knowledge, skills and cultural capital students need to succeed in life. These educational experiences will enable students to achieve in a wide range of different contexts, to develop existing talents, and to discover new interests and passions. We provide an extensive array of sporting and cultural opportunities, and a wide range of fascinating trips and visits to enjoy. The curriculum and the opportunities we provide support our values of Positivity, Resilience, Integrity, Dignity and Equality.

At the King John School we believe in being ambitious and having high aspirations for all our students. With the appropriate level of challenge and support, we ensure that all our students can maximise their potential. Central to our curriculum is an academic core of mathematics, English, science, humanities and modern foreign languages. This is complemented by an exciting range of other subjects including practical and artistic subjects, which are key to supporting confidence, creativity and character.

To complement our broad, balanced curriculum, we offer an extensive extra-curricular provision, to enable our students to maximise their potential. Our students therefore experience a rich, robust and engaging curriculum, with a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences at each stage of their education. From the ages of 11 to 18, the curriculum gives students choices for their future as they become young adults and take their place in the world. It is our aim that our students embrace school life and develop a passion for their learning. From 11 to 18 the curriculum is structured to meet the needs of our students and maximise their potential. The curriculum is planned and designed to ensure breadth and be ambitious for all students. In year 7, 8 and 9 students access a broad curriculum, setting them up with the requisite knowledge and understanding to begin their GCSE programmes of study. At the start of Year 10 students start their GCSE programmes of study, King John students benefit from a wealth of subjects and courses on offer to them both at Key Stage 4 and Post- 16. This extensive range includes academic and vocational courses, which will give students the qualifications they need for their next steps, and to achieve future success.

At the King John School, we are constantly looking at ways to improve our curriculum to better meet the needs of our young people in a rapidly changing world. In particular, we have recognised the additional challenges faced by vulnerable students and those with complex needs. To this end, we have introduced greater curriculum flexibility, support from Zenith Minds and raised awareness with all staff of these additional needs, whilst remaining ambitious for academic outcomes with all students.

The King John School believes in choice and opportunity for progression so that all students regardless of background, can achieve highly. We get to know our students well, so that we can give them high quality support to maximise their potential, and to enable them to move onto the next stage of their lives.


Curriculum Booklet Year 7

Curriculum Booklet Year 8

Curriculum Booklet Year 9

The King John School Curriculum

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Year 7, 8 and 9 Knowledge Organisers


Year 7 Year 8 Year 9