Equality & Diversity
The King John School is committed to fulfilling all its responsibilities in regards to the Equality Act of 2010, as outlined in our Equality Statement.
Central to our educational provision is the insistence that all learners develop as members of a multi-cultural and diversified world, with the capacity to contribute positively to their local, national and global communities. Underpinning this ethos is a commitment to the opposition of prejudiced discrimination founded on the basis of legally defined personal characteristics such as race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, or religion/belief. Any instances of peer issues that may be in relation to a protected characteristic will be taken seriously and dealt with under the school’s Rewards and Behaviour Policy as per our Anti-Bullying Policy.
Our culture of inclusivity is founded on appreciation and celebration, perspectives we strive to instil in our students. Accordingly, our curriculum provides the key skills necessary to function as a citizen in modern Britain, with every subject embedding aspects of SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development) into their academic provision. To see what this looks like in practice, please see our PSHE curriculum intent, as well as our whole-school curriculum intent.
This holistic approach is supplemented by wider school initiatives such as Thought for the Week which explores relevant topics explicitly and in greater depth. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors also design and produce a range of purposeful resources to proactively tackle common cultural misconceptions and challenge prejudices that may stem from these, even if these prejudices have not explicitly manifested within the school community.
The King John School want to ensure opportunities for all, and we are always happy to discuss reasonable adjustments that can be made for students, or indeed parents, visitors and community users. We encourage an open dialogue with parents and students; if there is any aspect of the curriculum or school provision that you have questions about, please do get in touch with the school to discuss how we can further your experience of the school. For more information, please see our Accessibility Plan and our Special Education Needs (SEN) Information Report.
The King John School runs a group called ‘My Allies’ where students are able to discuss key issues which may be affecting students with one or more protected characteristic. This ensures that students have an opportunity to influence policy and practice. The school have recently adopted The Halo Code to ensure our uniform policy recognises and celebrates our staff and students’ identity.