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The King John School

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Duke of Edinburgh Award

What is the Duke of Edinburgh Award

The award provides students with a balanced programme of activities that develops the whole person – mind, body and soul – in an environment of social interaction and team working.  Taking part builds confidence and develops self-esteem.  It requires persistence, commitment and has a lasting impact on the attitudes and outlook of all young people who take part.

Why take part in the Award?

Achieving an Award will give you skills, confidence and a view on life that everyone is looking for, from employers to colleges and universities.
You are getting recognised for doing things you want to do (and may even be doing already).
You will make a difference to other people’s lives and your community, be fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last you a lifetime.
Doing your DofE really does give you the skills for life and work.

What does the Award involve?

what the DofE involves

Students will be required to complete the four section (skill, volunteering, physical recreation and expedition) in order to obtain the GOLD award level. These must be covered for certain timescales.

Timescales for each level and section

Please follow this link to the Duke of Edinburgh website for information about the different levels and their timescales.

School provides the expedition section of the award. This involves your training and teaching of skills you will need such as map reading, route planning, camp cooking etc. At each level the distance that you will walk in your group chances and the amount of time that you camp out for also increases. You complete two expeditions per award a practice and an assessed expedition. The practice allows you the chance to get to know your group and iron out any issues, and the assessment is where an external assessor will be in attendance and they check that you possess the skills required to complete the expedition.

Bronze expedition
The Bronze level expeditions require you to complete a two day one night’s trip and distance of 24km (12km a day). At this level the practice is held at Danbury and the assessment at Roxwell. The environment that the expeditions take place in must be Normal rural countryside.

Silver Expedition
The Silver level requires you to complete a distance of 48km over three days and two nights of camping out. The practice is held in Eastbourne and the assessment in the Peak district (Bakewell area). The walking environment for these expedients is normal rural open countryside and forest but has to be unfamiliar to the participant.

The gold expedition sees an increase in the demand on the participant. The environment changes to wild country that is remote from habitation and is unfamiliar to participants. The expedition focus is not necessarily on the distance covered but on the exploring and experiencing of a new area or country. Currently the school has taken students on the practice to Wales (Snowdonia) and the assessed expedition to Morocco (Atlas Mountains area).


Related Links

The DofE award official website