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The King John School

Computing & ICT

Computing & ICT

We teach Computing & ICT to

  • Use technology safely and responsibly becoming global citizens and understand the ethical and legal considerations.
  • Find, develop, analyse and present information, as well as to model situations using a range of software applications (word processing, spreadsheets, presentation and database).
  • Understand information technology systems (hardware, software, connectivity, networks, and security).
  • Be able to examine effective digital working practices including communication technologies (cloud computing), user experiences from user demographics (expert level to novice) and user accessibility and inclusivity needs.
  • Enable learners to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms, writing programs and data representation

Curriculum Map

Year 7 Computing

Year 8 Computing

Year 9 Computing

Year 10 Computer Science

Year 11 Computer Science

Year 12 Computing

Year 13 Computing

Year 12 IT

Year 13 IT

Related Links

Computing and ICT VLE section